You know the experience…
You get yourself ready for the day, look in the mirror and think,”What’s that!?”
Any plight on our skin, be it acne, eczema, premature ageing or skin tone issues can come at any time.
It’s worse when the outbreak just won’t go away, or does go and then returns with a vengeance.
Well, Viridian have looked into the research on how we should nourish our skin and found three consistent factors: inflammation, free radical damage and digestion. To combat these three elements they’ve created a trinity of Clear Skin tools.
Clear Skin Complex Veg Caps are a specifically formulated blend of botanicals, minerals, antioxidants and probiotics to aid digestion and designed to offer hope for a clear, fresh, blemish-free skin.
Organic Clear Skin Omega Oil is to help you get enough anti-inflammatory omegas 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids in the right balance. In addition, the oil contains antioxidants and vitamin E for skin cell health.
Finally, The Clear Skin Cookbook is written by celebrity and medicinal chef, Dale Pinnock, to focus on our largest organ, and how diet effects our skin. In the book he offers tasty and healthy solutions, involving the right vitamins and minerals needed to improve the skin’s condition.
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